Wednesday, 14 November 2007

022. storyboard script.

camera enters the 'chamber'.
(diplay of a chamber, itroduction of machinery, proces, and a character.)
done in slow motion with all the sounds slowed down, therefore sounding monsteriffic.
fade in -> CLOSE UP of a cylinder higher part, slowly moving down. some rusty piece of metal on it with russian

letters. (1)
a shot from a WORM VIEW, from the bottom part of a cylinder hitting area, facing straight up, onto a cillinder

slowly coming closer, with the sound of creating of (proznia) then disturbed metalic 'clash', while a screen goes

completely blackand after a while cylinder lifts again, even slower. (2)
cut to: the extractor covers move up and down in a slashing manner (3)
cut to: first shot from robot's POV, we see the robot in the front of him, his back and his arms pinned up with

mechanics. (4)
cut to: very film noir shot - a view from behind of a ventilating fan, moving really slowly. also, the camera TRUCKS

UP. (5)
cut to: a LOW shot of a rotating barrel in the fron of surgeon, but the way it doesn't feature its purpose. a barrel

rotates in a sercular manner. everything still and dead slow, with ambient noise in the background, which is the

actual sfx slowed down.(6)
cut to: normal shot of a cylinder smashing just as in the shot 2, but from different angle. (7)
cut to: CLOSE UP shot of extracting 'tool' of a surgeon. the tool sudenly opens and makes a movement towards

somethhing off screen.(8)
cut to: repeat shot 2. (9)
cut to: continuity of shot no. 5 - camera continues tracking up going past second fan. - the sound changes, going

through kind of fusion effect of speeding up suddenly as we - (10)
cut to: robot's POV - now everything at normal speed. sudden thurst of the belt (not sudden, but the effect of it).

can be add: camera shake and motion blur. and then a second thurst and pause. (11)
cut to: a pan shot from robot profile view, to his front view, as he approaches the slider. as he slides down

rapidly camera moves with him down (with all the blurs to add effect) when he's at the bottom - (12)
cut to: High Shot of the robot. being tracked with the machinery towards the 'barrel' (13)
(this is where I want to start bulding a dramaturgy of a forthcoming end of this robot, therefore jungling with

shots of robot, surgeon, barrel, and screens)
cut to: r2d2 wandering somewhere. TRACK right.(14)
cut to: Robot POV once more, where we get a chance to see a surgeon doing his thing (15)
cut to: Low Shot of surgeon hitting the other robots (16)
cut to: Medium shot of data on screens flicking(17)
(repeat them, in a dominuendo manner, till 'our' robot gets in the front of the surgeon, and there is a power cut)
cut to: FULL SHOT of a robot and the surgeon), (18)
cut to: close up, of robot lifting the head, and lighting up slightly(19)
cut to: close up of a pipe, somewhere in the chamber, with a water droping, few seconds of silence. maybe three.

two. (20)
cut to: LOW SHOW of robot, with surgeon powering up and drilling into him again, (21)
cut to: screans flickering (longer take) (22)
cut to: the rubish left after crushed robot is being pushed down the ramp to the recycling pit with a recycling logo

on the wall in the background.(23)
fade to black (with sounds still on)

storyboard shot to follow up soon.

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