Thursday, 1 November 2007

019. - Denis Severs House.

The visit to Denis Severs house in Spitalfields, London was a mistery itself (especialy after a communication problem at the start) - finally me, Matt and Bartholomew got there. First impression when I came in, to the basement was 'just like at ma grand-grand-mother's house back in Poland that I remember from childhood'. And maybe that was the purpose of creating this - to bring back memories. I doubt it, because surely guests from eastern/central Europe are not the most obvious ones here.

Talking about the great number and multiplicity of various objects inside this place would be pointless, as this is not a point - this can be done with any thing, any where - but the way these items are positioned, lit, covered in fragrance - makes this unique experience.
The lighting is the most interesting thing in my opinion. The way objects are half covered in shadow, the contrast, all seems to be so carefully arranged to create a mood of old, dusty with a hint of romantism - house.
For instance - a bedroom. All the candles are on one side of the room, therefore shodows distribute with no distortion - and there is door on the oposite side, but the light coming through door is being 'cought' by the bed positioned just in the front of it, so it does not change the climate of intimacy inside.

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